About Aidan

"Still without a tagline since 2010"

If you want to find out more about me then you have come to the right place.

My bio


I'm Aidan. You can usually find me wandering around CERN, trying to unlock the mysteries of the universe, one particle at a time. From 1982 to 2001 I lived in Crewe, where I spent most of my time plotting my escape. Academia seemed the best way to do that. I got my degree (MPhys) at Oxford University, and my PhD at Brunel University and at the SLAC National Accerlator Laboratory. After defending my thesis I became a Postdoctoral Researcher for Prof Steve Sekula at Southern Methodist University.

My favourite music


My favourite music tends to be fairly chilled out, sometimes on the melancholy side, sometimes touching and uplifting. A lot of it comes from the 1990s, although there are many contermpary albums I enjoy too. This page gives you a rough idea of the things that make my ears happy.

My favourite movies


My favourite movies include some horror, some anime, some teen flicks, and other miscellaneous bits and pieces. This page gives you a rough idea of the things that make my eyes happy.



This is just a collection of vaguely useful information that helps me organise my life.



I love to travel. My PhD has taken me around the world and my current job is giving even more chances to explore the world, whether it's for work, for conferences or for holidays. Over the past five years (in no particular order) I've lived in or travelled to:

  • California
  • UK
  • Japan
  • Italy
  • Mexico
  • Belgium
  • Texas
  • Spain
  • France
  • Switzerland
  • Washington DC
  • China
  • Mongolia
  • Russia
  • Czech Republic
  • Netherlands

Future travel plans include:

  • Austria
  • Poland
  • Australia

This list will probably get much longer as I browse longingly at even more guidebooks.

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